Ask Me About My Day!

I am super excited about these little cuties!  These "Ask Me About My Day!" jars are filled with meaningful questions that Mommies, Daddies, Grandmas, Grandpas, and other family members can ask their little darlings about their school day!  I plan to send them home with parents at conferences in a couple of weeks.  

Inside each jar are twenty-four slips of paper.  Each contains a question that will hopefully spark a conversation about school, friendships, learning, and help parents get to know their children better!  I know that parents (including me!) ask "What did you learn today?" and get "Nothing" or "I don't remember" in response.   We ask "How was your day?" and we get "Fine" or "Good."  I really think that these little slips could open up a whole new world of conversations for my parents and their children! 

I originally got this idea from Glennon Melton's blog post on "The Key Jar."  In fact, my original plan was to use the questions that Erin Waters and Glennon created.  As I read the questions, I found many of them a little too deep for my own six and four year old children.  So I combined the idea of the Key Jar with the lists of questions I have seen floating around Facebook that suggest what to ask instead of "How was your day?" and this is what I came up with! Examples of a few questions are:

"Who did you play with at recess today?"
"What is something you did that made your teacher happy?"
"Which part of your day is the most fun?"
"What rule was the hardest to follow today?"

If jars aren't really your thing, I think that the slips of paper would look cute in a paper lunch sack gussied up with the label on the front.  I also found that the labels fit just right underneath the lids of the jars!  

This file is a FREE download over in my TPT store.  If you find any new ways to store or cutesy up the questions, please let me know in the comments! 

EDIT:  If you are a parent, and not a teacher, just shoot me an email and I will be happy to send you the file! :)

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