We take them out each day for different activities, including phonics, poetry, sight words, and much more! The Reading Bags are just zippered pencil pouches that I bought at Walmart a few years ago. They have lasted me about four years! Let me give you a better look at what we keep inside.
These Reading Bags make learning hands on and really help my students stay involved during whole group lessons. I used to have students store these in their chair pockets, but last year I received a Donors Choose grant that allowed me to get Wobble Chairs. I LOVE my Wobble Chairs, but the chair pockets had to go. So, I tried having students store the Reading Bags in their cubbies, but found that we didn't use them as often because it was a hassle to have them leave their seat to get them. It is MUCH better when they are on hand and ready to use! This year, I am trying Command hooks under the table. I will update you on how it works for us!
Click text under the photos below to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store for the "Learning Letter Sounds" FREE Download and or to purchase the posters I use when we code our "chunks" in predictable readers and poems!
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